Timesheet Approval

Timesheet Approval

Timesheet approval is off by default. You need to enable it by setting necessary permissions on permissions configuration page. Also you need to create timesheet periods. Timesheet approval is period based. You need to specify which project roles can approve worklogs for that project and which user groups require their timesheet to be approved. Without setting these, there will be no "Approve Timesheets" menu item on the main WorklogPRO menu and user will not able to see their timesheets approval status and they will not able to send their timesheet to approval. 

Some functionality of Timesheet Approval depends on "Approval Settings". Please also check how to configure timesheet approval options from administration section.

You can approve timesheets using two different ways. The first one is using the dedicated approval page. On this page, you can approve multiple user and project easily. The other way is using the "user timesheet" page. When using timesheet view, you can more easily check each worklog of the user and you can still approve multiple projects of the same user once. 

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