

A timesheet displays effort entered to issues using different filtering and grouping criteria. From the timesheet view, you can instantly navigate to "Worklog Report" view. On the main plugin menu, timesheets are grouped in four main categories. There are build-in timesheets for User, Project and Team which are aimed to provide fast access to most used timesheet views with default settings. You can configure main menu and remove unused build-in timesheets from the main menu and add any custom timesheet you create to main menu.

  • User Timesheets
  • Project Timesheets
  • Team Timesheets
  • Custom Timesheets
    • Sprint (JIRA Agile)
    • Organization (JIRA Service Desk)
    • Filter 
    • JQL
    • Team
    • Work Log Attribute
    • Project
    • User

These timesheets can be viewed on the time axis as:

  • Weekly (On which day a week starts is determined by add-on setting and Jira User's profile language setting)
  • Monthly (Allows easy navigation between months)
  • Custom (You specify start and end dates)
  • Timesheet Periods  (These are predefined time periods which can be open or closed. See "Timesheet Periods" section for details)

Timesheets may further group work logs by issues, by work log author, by project, by reporter, issue type, parent issue, parent issue type or by epic (Only if JIRA Agile is installed) inside the timesheet. You can group by multiple criteria at the same time. Multiple grouping allows you to drill down to detail you want. For example you can see how much effort is spent by each user for each project. How effort is split by work type between different epics. Let's see how it works.