Printing Timesheets

Printing Timesheets

You can print the timesheet you are currently viewing by selecting "Print" from the upper right menu of any timesheet screen. Print preview dialog of your system will be opened. Printing removes background and theme in addition to some unnecessary user interface elements like "Log Work" button. You should adjust page and orientation options or the zoom level in order to fit the whole timesheet table on a single page. For example you can't print a 3 months timesheet view on an A4 page. You can also use this feature to convert timesheets to PDF. Install a PDF printer driver and it will save timesheets as PDF instead of sending them to printer.

JIRA Timesheet Printing

In addition to the timesheet, you can also print the Worklog Report.  Printing Work Log Report is a good way to share billing details with your customer. Save it as PDF and send it to customer with email. You can also print and sign them if you need. 

JIRA Work Log Report Printing