Adding New Work Log Attributes
Deniz Oğuz
Gökçe Karaduman
Open add-on administration page and click on "Attributes" section. List of existing worklog attributes will be displayed if exist. You can edit a work log attribute by clicking on corresponding 'Edit' link. From edit attribute dialog, you can change attribute name, make it required or disable the attribute. You can't change type of an existing attribute due to backward compatibility of existing work logs.
Click on "Add Attribute" button on the upper right hand side of the page. Attribute dialog will open.
Type: Type of attribute. Currently following attribute types are supported:
- BOOL: Checked or not checked
- TEXT: A single line text
- INTEGER: A text box that only accepts whole numbers like 10382
- DECIMAL: A text box that accepts partial numbers like 10.4
- SINGLE SELECT: A single select combobox
- DURATION: Like spent field of work log dialog. Accepts inputs in the form of "3h 30m" etc. You can use it to keep a second duration like billable part of total time spent etc.
- SINGLE SELECT(REST API):This single select combobox (Dynamic single select) retrieves option values by invoking a remote web service provided by the customer. Following parameters are also passed to this web service; issueId, issueKey, username, userKey, projectId, projectKey, issueTypeId. Web service may return different lists by checking the provided parameters, but it should return all the values if no parameter is provided.
Name: Name of attribute that will be displayed on work log dialog.
Icon: Icon to display with attribute name.
Description: A longer description of the attribute.
Active: An attribute can be in active or inactive state. Inactive attributes are not shown on the user interface but they are still stored in the database. You can make active anytime without loosing any information. We strongly suggest you to make attributes inactive instead of deleting them.
Required: Work Log Dialog enforces a value for required attributes. Not all attribute types can be made required. You can only make TEXT, NUMBER and DURATION attributes required. BOOL and SINGLE SELECT are required by definition. If there is a case where there is no meaningful value for a SINGLE SELECT add N/A alternative to list of possible values.
Width: Only valid for SINGLE SELECT types. Determines width of combobox for selecting items.
Order: Order of attribute within all attributes. Values doesn't need to be sequential. Attributes with lower numbers are displayed before attributes with higher numbers.
Default Value: Only valid for Boolean attributes. If checked, default value of boolean attribute becomes checked.
URL: Only valid for Single Select (REST API) attributes. Remote web service is defined here with URL.
Extra Parameters: Only valid for Single Select (REST API) attributes. Which single select option that is provided by the web service is to be included or not is decided by selecting these parameters.