Team Timesheet

Team Timesheet

Team timesheet is no different than a project timesheet, but in this case you can select a team instead of a project. As other timesheets you can group for different criteria, select different periods, filter for worklog attributes. When generating team timesheet, only team members worklogs are used and only if worklog author is a member of team at the time he logged the work. WorklogPRO comes with 4 kind of build-in team timesheets but these are hidden by default, you can enable them by using main menu configuration. But you don't need to use these, you can always create your own team timesheets using "Custom Timesheet" feature and add them to main menu of WorklogPRO.

Team timesheet only shows worklog of a user if that user is a team member on the work start date. Depending on users joining date to team or leaving date from team, some of the worklogs of a user may not be shown on the timesheet.