Issue Comment & Work Description Integration
- Deniz Oğuz
By default comment entered during workflow operations are automatically copied to work description if there is a "Log Work" field on the transition screen and you register a work during transition. This can be changed by updating "Copy Comment to Work Description" setting of JIRA itself. Opposite of this, "work description" on the "Log Work" dialog copied to issue comments, is not available in the JIRA. With WorklogPRO add-on you have now this too with a simple checkbox on the "Log Work" screen. If you check "Copy to issue comment" checkbox on the "Log Work" screen of WorklogPRO, the work description will also be available in the issue comments. Of course you need to have "Comment Issue" permission for this.
WorklogPRO remembers your decision and this settings is automatically checked or unchecked depending on your previous selection when you open the dialog next time.