Specifying Work Log Attributes

Specifying Work Log Attributes

Work log attributes are similar to custom fields of issues. You can further categorize, add extra information to individual work logs like you do on issues. They can represent an invoice id, type of work performed like testing, development etc, or you can differentiate billable time from non billable time or overtimes. It completely depends on you needs. In order for a work log attribute to be visible on the "Log Work Dialog", it needs to be defined on administration of the add-on. Details of how to define these attributes are explained in related section of administration manual

If any work log attributes are defined in the administration section they will appear just before the description part of the worklog dialog as shown on the screenshot. Depending on the configuration some of them may be mandatory for worklogs and they are marked with usual *next to their label name. For example in the screenshot "Invoice Number" work log attribute is mandatory and you will not be able to log work without specifying a value for it. 

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