Issue Filters on Work Log Dialog
- Deniz Oğuz
- Gökçe Karaduman
If you are entering work logs at the end of a day, week or month and not at the time you work on the issue, it may be difficult to find issues to enter work logs. WorkLogPRO may help you to find those issues. Firstly, issue field has search capability. The text you entered into issue field will be searched in JIRA issues and matching issues will be returned. Issue's key and summary field is searched, other parts such as comments or description field is not searched. The other one is built-in filters. On top of work log dialog you are seeing several links that will help you to locate issues you are related somehow. You can use both features at the same time. If you select a filter and perform a search by entering a text into issue field of the dialog, only issues that match the selected filter and contain the selected text is returned. For example if you select Watched filter and enter a project key into the issue field, only the issues your are watching in that project is returned. Lets pass over all those links and describe which issues each one displays.
All of following filters limit which issues are shown in Issue field of "Work Log Dialog".
- All: Simple, all issues that you have permission to see.
- Recent: Shows latest issues you have viewed.
- Assigned: Shows latest issues assigned to you.
- Reported: Shows latest issues you have reported.
- Watched: Shows latest issues you have added to your watch list.
- Internal: Shows issues from "Internal Issues" list. Internal issues are determined by JIRA administrators and used to log works on issues general to whole company for example "Vacation". List of actual issues directly depend on how you want efforts spent on some activities are reported.
- Filters: You can search a filter from your favorite or owned filters. Latest issues from this filter will be displayed also any keyword you have written in issue search box will be searched in that filter.The "Work Log Dialog" remembers the selected filter. When the filter tab in the dialog box is switched and the corresponding filter is selected once, this filter is remembered and you will encounter issues related to this filter.