Log Work Custom Field
Deniz Oğuz
Gökçe Karaduman
There are two standard way of entering worklogs, one is using worklog dialog on the issue screen and the other one is logging work as a part of issue transition on issue transition screen. Since WorklogPRO adds a link to main issue page for opening worklog dialog probably you will immediately notice it and you will start to use it immediately. On this dialog you can specify worklog attributes when logging work (for example type of work performed or whether it is billable or not). If you are using worklog attributes you will also need to specify worklog attributes when logging work on transition screens when resolving an issue, verifying an issue etc. To be able to specify work log attributes you will need to add "Log Work Custom Field" provided by WorklogPRO to your corresponding transition screens.
Adding this custom field is no different than adding other custom fields and explained in Jira manual. Here a close outline of how to do it for WorklogPRO's "Log Work Custom Field":
Functionality of this field is very similar to 'Log Work Dialog', you can refer to that section for learning more about how to enter work logs.
Log Work Custom Field' is provided by WorklogPRO doesn't have work description part. Entered comment to JIRA's own comment field automatically copies to work description. If 'Work Description is required' setting located in the 'General' settings is selected as yes, users can not log work on edit issue/issue transition screens without entering any description to 'comment' field. However, JIRA's own comment field is not present on create issue screen. Since this field is not present on the create issue screen, users can not enter any work description and the error message shows up because of the selection of work description is required. As a result, if the 'work description required' setting is set to yes, users can't be able to create an issue by saving their work on the create issue screen with using 'Log Work Custom Field'.
There are two kind of custom fields that provides log work. One of them is Jira's own custom field and the other one is owned by WorklogPro. These custom fields can be distinguished by looking at the type section. The custom field that belongs to Jira is specified as 'System field' in this section, but in the one that belongs to WorklogPro is shown as 'Log Work Custom Field'. In order for the WorklogPro settings to be valid, a custom field provided by WorklogPro must be added. Otherwise, the WorklogPro settings will not be applied in this section. For example, if verification script is used for logging work in the transition workflow screen, the custom field that belongs to WorklogPro must be added to this screen. When logging work in transition screen, this script will not work if the custom field belonging to jira is added.