Export & Import Component Versions

Export & Import Component Versions


Click the "Export" button at the top right corner of the "Component Versions" page to export the component versions to a JSON file. This JSON file can be imported into another project or back into the same project, even if it is on a different JIRA instance.


Example JSON formats

Either format will work for importing component versions.

[ { "id": "c-10119", "componentName": "Android Application", "leadUsername": "randy.buck", "lead": { "displayName": "Randy Buck", "username": "randy.buck", "userKey": "randy.buck", "emailAddress": "Randy.Buck@fake.expium.com" }, "assigneeType": 1, "attributes": [ { "id": 6, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 1, "attrValue": "yes" }, { "id": 7, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 2, "attrValue": "http://example.com" }, { "id": 8, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 3, "attrValue": "2" }, { "id": 9, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 4, "attrValue": "36000000", "numericAttrValue": 3.6E7 } ], "versions": [ { "id": "v-10083", "versionName": "1.0.0", "versionDescription": "First release of our ERP application with 1.0.0 version of all modules.", "startDate": "2016-12-01", "releaseDate": "2017-06-01", "released": true, "archived": false }, { "id": "v-10085", "versionName": "1.1.0", "versionDescription": "", "startDate": "2017-06-15", "releaseDate": "2017-06-25", "released": true, "archived": false }, { "id": "v-10093", "versionName": "2.0.0", "versionDescription": "2.0.0 version fo mobile applications", "startDate": "", "releaseDate": "2018-03-23", "released": false, "archived": false } ] }, { "id": "c-10500", "componentName": "CMP Test", "componentDescription": "Component Description Line 1\nComponent Description Line 2", "leadUsername": "admin", "lead": { "displayName": "Deniz Oğuz", "username": "admin", "userKey": "admin", "emailAddress": "denizoguz@gmail.com" }, "assigneeType": 1, "attributes": [ { "id": 4, "componentId": 10500, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 1, "attrValue": "no" }, { "id": 5, "componentId": 10500, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 3, "attrValue": "2" } ], "versions": [ { "id": "v-10701", "versionName": "1.0.0", "versionDescription": "*Fixed Following Issues*\r\n- Line 1\r\n -Line 2\r\n", "startDate": "2018-05-25", "releaseDate": "2018-03-10", "released": true, "archived": false } ] },
[ { "id": "c-10119", "componentName": "Android Application", "leadUsername": "randy.buck", "lead": { "displayName": "Randy Buck", "username": "randy.buck", "userKey": "randy.buck", "emailAddress": "Randy.Buck@fake.expium.com" }, "assigneeType": 1, "attributes": [ { "id": 6, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 1, "attrValue": "yes" }, { "id": 7, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 2, "attrValue": "http://example.com" }, { "id": 8, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 3, "attrValue": "2" }, { "id": 9, "componentId": 10119, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 4, "attrValue": "36000000", "numericAttrValue": 3.6E7 } ], "versions": [ { "id": "v-10083", "versionName": "1.0.0", "versionDescription": "First release of our ERP application with 1.0.0 version of all modules.", "startDate": "2016-12-01", "releaseDate": "2017-06-01", "released": true, "archived": false }, { "id": "v-10085", "versionName": "1.1.0", "versionDescription": "", "startDate": "2017-06-15", "releaseDate": "2017-06-25", "released": true, "archived": false }, { "id": "v-10093", "versionName": "2.0.0", "versionDescription": "2.0.0 version fo mobile applications", "startDate": "", "releaseDate": "2018-03-23", "released": false, "archived": false } ] }, { "id": "c-10500", "componentName": "CMP Test", "componentDescription": "Component Description Line 1\nComponent Description Line 2", "leadUsername": "admin", "lead": { "displayName": "Deniz Oğuz", "username": "admin", "userKey": "admin", "emailAddress": "denizoguz@gmail.com" }, "assigneeType": 1, "attributes": [ { "id": 4, "componentId": 10500, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 1, "attrValue": "no" }, { "id": 5, "componentId": 10500, "projectId": 10000, "attrTypeId": 3, "attrValue": "2" } ], "versions": [ { "id": "v-10701", "versionName": "1.0.0", "versionDescription": "*Fixed Following Issues*\r\n- Line 1\r\n -Line 2\r\n", "startDate": "2018-05-25", "releaseDate": "2018-03-10", "released": true, "archived": false } ] }, ]



The import process automatically creates missing components and versions and updates existing ones to align with the data in the JSON file. However, it will not delete any components or versions not present in the JSON file. This also applies to component versions.

How to Import Component Versions


  1. Click on “Import” button at the top right hand side of the “Component Version” page.

  2. Select your exported JSON file and hit the “Load” button.

  1. Once loading is complete, you may see a warning like the one below. This warning occurs if component lead accounts could not be found in your Jira. If you choose to proceed without them, the corresponding components will be imported without their lead accounts.



  1. In this dialog, you can review how your data will be affected. If everything is correct, click 'Import' to proceed. Alternatively, you can cancel the process if you notice any missing or incomplete information.

Please note that once you have clicked the “Import” button, the process cannot be cancelled.



  1. Once you have clicked on the “Import” button, you will see a progress bar showing the status of the import process at that time.



  1. If the import is successful, you will see a dialogue box like the one below. You can click on the “Done” button to finish this process.