Component Versions

Component Versions

Our app significantly enhances component and version handling in Jira. Without our app, Jira doesn’t have component level versioning. Versions can only be defined at project level and shared by all components within the project. This is a problem for most big projects where each component has their own release cycle. For example, consider a microservices architecture. In such architectures, each microservice is developed, deployed, and scaled independently, requiring meticulous tracking of versions and configurations.

Consider a product composed of multiple microservices, each responsible for a specific function like user authentication, payment processing, or data storage. These services might be developed by different teams, deployed in separate containers, and scaled according to individual demand. With standard Jira, tracking the versioning of these discrete components would be challenging since Jira natively manages versions at the project level. Here's where our app comes into play. With component-level versioning, teams can assign versions to each microservice independently within Jira.