JQLs for Component Versions

JQLs for Component Versions

App provides “Component Version” specific versions of build-in earliestUnreleasedVersion and latestReleasedVersion.

earliestUnreleasedComponentVersion: Usually used with fixVersion field. Returns earliest unreleased component version for every component of the project.

latestReleasedComponentVersion: Usually used with affectsVersion field. Returns latest released component version for every component of the project.

Both of them takes a comma separated list of projects (id, key, or name). Optional last argument is version ordering strategy and if present can be one of the followings:

Since these methods returns a version for every component of the project it is important to map every version to only one component. You can use prefixes to make your versions unique. For example instead of 1.0.0 you can use “Android 1.0.0” and “iOS 1.0.0”.

semantic: Uses semantic ordering of component versions to determine earliest or latest version. This is the default behavior if you don’t specify a version ordering strategy.

release date: Uses release dates of component versions to determine earliest or latest version. Versions without a release date are ignored. Don’t forget you can still specify a release date for unreleased versions.

fixVersion in earliestUnreleasedComponentVersion("LRT", "ERP", "semantic") affectsVersion in latestReleasedComponentVersion("LRT", "ERP", "release date")

JQL extension to search issues that have invalid component versions for a specific project.

issue in issueWithInvalidVersion("ERP")



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