Release Note Templates

Release Note Templates

You can create custom release note templates and generate release notes using these templates. As Jira’s own release notes, it uses Velocity template engine to generate release notes. There are two kind of release notes, “Bundle Release Note Templates” and “Component Version Release Note Templates”. As you may guess, former is used for generating release notes for Bundles and later is used for generating release notes for “Component Versions”. Actually both templates may be very similar. Since bundles has one more level grouping you need to consider this in your templates. In other words, bundle templates generates release notes for a set of “component versions” but “Component Version” release note templates, generates release notes for a single “component version.

You can access to following variables within templates.






This is added for compatibility with Jira’s build-in release notes. You will mostly use .getText method for internalization. It is an instance of JiraWebActionSupport class.


The user generating release note. An instance of ApplicationUser class.








Name of project.
























Creating a New Release Note Template

You can navigate to “release note template” configuration section by using “Settings/Manage apps/Configuration Management Toolkit/Release Notes”. You can use one of the bundle or component version templates given in this manual as a starting point for your own needs.


Once you create a template, it will be selectable in “Release Notes” pages for Bundles and “Component Versions”.


Rendering Release Notes With REST API

You can not only create/update/delete release notes using REST API but you can also render them. You can use following request format to render them.

GET {JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/com.deniz.jira.mapping/latest/releasenotes/render/bundle/{BUNDLE_ID}?templateId={TEMPLATE_ID}

GET {JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/com.deniz.jira.mapping/latest/releasenotes/render/mapping/{MAPPING_ID}?templateId={TEMPLATE_ID}


To get list of all templates you can use following method.

GET {JIRA_BASE_URL}/rest/api/com.deniz.jira.mapping/latest/releasenotes/template/summary

Exporting to Excel

You can see all issues affecting a bundle version or component version to Excel indirectly. You need to first select “Fixed Issues” from the context menu of bundle or “component version”. This will redirect you to “Issue Navigator” of Jira setted-up to show issues fixed in bundle or “component version”. Form here, you can use “Export” menu of “Issue Navigator” to export issues to Excel (CSV) or HTML by including any custom field you want.





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