Tabular View

Tabular View

Tabular view shows which versions contains changes from which other versions using a table rows. The other view is, "Graph View" and it shows the same information using a graph. If you apply a component or text filter to one view, this change is immediately applied also to other view. Released versions are shown with green and unreleased versions are shown with yellow. Clicking on version link shows "Release Status" page for that version. If you apply a component filter only the versions which are applicable for the selected component are shown and version's release status information is updated according to component version release status. You can also update version relations directly on this view, click on "edit" icon on the action column starts an inline edit for the "Contains Versions" column for that version. Clicking on anywhere on the page stops inline editing. If you delete all contained versions for a version it is removed from the table on next refresh. 

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