Attribute JQL Functions

Attribute JQL Functions

JQL Function



JQL Function



componentWithAttributes(attributeName, value)

component in componentWithAttributes("Programming Language", "Python")

"Issues with components that have the Programming Language attribute type as Python"

componentWithAttributes(attributeName, operator, value)

component in componentWithAttributes("Number OF Contributors", "<", "20")

"Issues with components that have a Number of Contributors attribute type less than 20."

versionWithAttributes(attributeName, value)

fixVersion in versionWithAttributes("Is Deprecated", "true")

"Issues with fixVersion that have the Is Deprecated attribute type set to true."

versionWithAttributes(attributeName, ,operator, value)

"Issues with fixVersion that have a Number of Contributors attribute type less than 20."

projectWithAttributes(attributeName, value)

"Issues in projects with a Cost Estimate attribute type equal to 20."

projectWithAttributes(attributeName, operator, value)

"Issues in projects with a Cost Estimate attribute type less than 200."


Only DURATION, DECIMAL, and INTEGER are comparable attribute types. Therefore, when using a three-parameter JQL query, the attribute must be one of these types.