Organizing Subcomponents

Organizing Subcomponents

You can organize components in the subcomponent hierarchy using drag-drop. You can also add a new folder or a project component. To remove a project component from the hierarchy or change the order of subcomponents drag and drop it to the bottom of the page using the below icon.

The component will not be deleted it will be only removed from the hierarchy and it can be added again if you want. 

The drag-drop part acts on three different regions of a subcomponent. If you drag and drop a subcomponent on top of another subcomponent, the app will add it to the hierarchy and place it on top of the subcomponent you dropped it on. Alternatively, if you drag and drop a subcomponent to the middle of another subcomponent, the app will add it to corresponding location in the parent component or folder. Finally, if you drag and drop a subcomponent to the end of another subcomponent, it will put it on top as a child if it has children and that subcomponent has been expanded, but if the parent has not been expanded the subcomponent will be placed just below the parent.

Drag and drop example in the center of a subcomponent:


Drag and drop example on the top of the subcomponent:


Drag and drop example on the bottom of the subcomponent: