JQL Extensions for Bundles

JQL Extensions for Bundles

You can Use Custom Fields Instead of JQL Functions

Since 1.10.2 version of the add-on, our custom fields are searchable using JQL. Instead of "affectsBundle" and "fixedInBundle" JQLs you can create and use custom fields. Since they use Lucene Index for search they are faster and additionally they are more intuitive to use.

Plugin provides 3 new JQL functions to query issues at bundle level. These JQL functions allows you to query issues related with bundles easily. You don't need to specify each component and version name separately inside your JQL and you don't need to maintain it as you change bundle content. You can just use bundle name to query issues with these functions:

  • affectsBundle: This JQL extension takes a list of bundle names, bundle versions or bundle ids and returns all issues which are reported against a component version contained in the bundle.
  • fixedInBundle: This JQL extension takes a list of bundle names, bundle versions or bundle ids and returns all issues which are fixed by component versions contained in the bundle.
  • componentsOfBundle: This JQL extension takes a bundle name and returns all components inside that bundle. Note that different than above two function this function returns components not the issues. 
  • betweenBundles: Takes two bundle name or bundle version and returns all bundles between given start and end bundle. It either uses "Version Hierarchy" or semantic versioning. You can pass "semantic" as 3rd argument to use semantic versioning even if a version hierarchy is defined for the project.  You can also use "release date" as 3rd argument to order versions according to release date of the bundle instead of version hierarchy or semantic versioning.

Example JQLs:

issue in affectsBundle("Release 1""Release 2") and issue in fixedInBundle("Release 3")

Above JQL will find all issues affecting components added to bundle named “Release 1” and “Release 2” and fixed in “Release 3”.

"Affects Bundle" in betweenBundles("SSM Release 1", "SSM Release 3", "release date")

Above JQL will find all issues which are reported in bundles "SSM Release 1", "SSM Release 2", and "SSM Release 3".

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