Creating a Bundle and Configuring It

Creating a Bundle and Configuring It

Only mandatory information for a bundle is 'Bundle Name' all other fields are optional. If you give a version to a bundle you can also use that version to search issues in bundle related JQL function. If you use a version for the bundle, it is recommended that you use this version for only bundle and not for any component version. Also it is recommended to name bundle versions with slightly different naming convention than component versions for easy identification of bundle version. 

After creating a bundle you need to add new component version to bundle. This is done by using "Add Component Version" context menu action of corresponding bundle. By default only valid component versions are displayed for a bundle. But if check "Show all project versions" checkbox all project versions will be available for any component. This allows you to use bundles feature even if you are not using "Component Versions" feature. 

If you want to sort the bundle versions in the relevant field (fixed version, affected version), you can do this by dragging the release name in the releases page of the relevant project. This is Jira's own feature. For example; if you want to see latest bundle version at the top of dropdown list(bundle name also can be added to this version with the setting),you can do this by dragging this bundle version to the bottom of the page of releases because the drop-down list starts from the end of releases page.

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