How To Get Webhook URL

How To Get Webhook URL

  1. Action Button

  2. Apps & Integrations Button

Action Button

Navigate to the conversation with the person or space where you wish to obtain the webhook URL. Then, click the downward-facing arrow icon, referred to as the action button, as shown in section 1 of the screenshot.

Apps & Integrations Button

In the menu that opens after clicking the action button, click on the "Apps & integrations" option. This is labeled as the Apps & Integrations Button in section 2 of the screenshot. Clicking this button will allow you to access the relevant area for obtaining the webhook URL.



  1. Webhooks Button

  2. Add webhooks button

Webhooks Button

In the "Apps" section, locate and click on the "Webhooks" button. This will direct you to the "Webhooks" section where you can manage existing webhooks or add new ones.

Add Webhooks Button

Within the "Webhooks" section, click the "+ Add webhooks" button. This action will open a dialog box, allowing you to create a new webhook.

  1. Webhook name

  2. Webhook avatar URL

  3. Save

Webhook Name

In the "Webhook name" field (shown in section 5), enter a descriptive name for your webhook. This name will be displayed as the sender of the messages. We recommend using "Issue Reminders."

  1. Webhook Avatar URL

In the "Webhook avatar URL" field (section 6), you can optionally enter a URL for an image to be used as the avatar for your webhook. This avatar will be shown next to the messages sent by the webhook. We recommend using the following URL for the Issue Reminders logo: https://thestarware.com/images/reminders/reminders-logo-128.png

  1. Save Button

Once you have filled in the necessary fields, click the "Save" button (section 7). This will create the webhook and generate the unique URL that you will need to configure Issue Reminders.


  1. Action webhook

  2. Copy link

Action Webhook

Clicking the three dots next to the webhook URL (referred to as "Action webhook" in section 8) will open a context menu. This menu typically provides options to "Edit" or "Delete" the webhook.

Copy Link

To copy the webhook URL, click the "Copy link" button (section 9). The URL will be copied to your clipboard. You will then need to navigate to the Issue Reminders application and paste the copied URL into the designated field within the Google Chat settings page in the application's admin panel. After pasting the URL, add an identifying label and save your settings. This completes the configuration process, linking Issue Reminders with your Google Chat space via the webhook.