Post Functions

Post Functions

Issue Reminders offers a post function called "Create Reminders". This post function automatically generates a reminder when an issue transitions to a specific status. When you add this post function to a workflow transition, a form is displayed where the user must fill out and save the reminder details. This integration ensures that reminders are properly recorded and tracked within the workflow.

When creating a reminder with the post function, an owner must be selected for the reminder. Instead of a specific user, you can also select the current user performing the issue transition. The created reminder appears on the “My Reminders” page of the selected owner.

The reminder created by the post function is a relative reminder. In other words, by selecting a date field, the reminder date is determined based on the date fields specified in the issues being transitioned. You can send a reminder to a specific user, a group or a slack channel. Selected users can be pseudo users like current assignee, reporter etc.

You can use “Jira expressions” when filling “summary” and “message” fields and access {issue} and {user} variables. This enables dynamically generate “summary and “message” content based on Jira data, offering enhanced flexibility and customization in notifications and reminders.

“Create Reminders” post function should be selected from the add post function page belonging to related transition of a workflow.


After selecting the post function and clicking the "Add" button, the "Add Parameters to Function" page opens, displaying the reminder creation form.

Jira create issue reminder post function configuration
Jira Issue Reminder Post Function

After filling out and saving the form, and updating the post function, the "Create Reminders" post function will appear in the post functions list. You can edit or delete it from this list.
