JQL Extensions

JQL Extensions

You can use JQL to query which issues has a reminder, either active or completed. There are 5 JQL functions and all of them starts with “issuesWithReminder” prefix:


issuesWithReminders(“true/false”): This JQL function returns all issues with either active or inactive reminders. It includes an optional parameter to specify whether issues with inactive reminders should be retrieved. By default, the function returns all issues. If set to false, it will only return issues with active reminders.

issue in issuesWithReminders()

issue in issuesWithReminders("true")

issue in issuesWithReminders("false")

issuesWithReminderOwnedBy(“username”, “true or false”): This JQL is used to retrieve issues that are associated with reminders owned by a specific user. It accepts two parameters. The first one is the name of the user whose reminders you're interested in. Second one is optional parameter indicates whether issues with inactive reminders should be retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, meaning it will return all issues with reminders owned by the user. If set to false, it will only return issues with active reminders.

issue in issuesWithReminderOwnedBy("Gökçe Karaduman")

issue in issuesWithReminderOwnedBy("Gökçe Karaduman", "true")

issue in issuesWithReminderOwnedBy("Gökçe Karaduman", "false")

issuesWithReminderForUser(“username”, “true or false”):  This function retrieves issues that have reminders set for the specified user. It takes two parameters: the first is the username of the user whose reminders are being queried. The second is an optional parameter that specifies whether to fetch issues with inactive reminders. If this parameter is not provided, the function will return all issues that have reminders associated with the user. If set to false, it will only return issues with active reminders.

issue in issuesWithReminderForUser("Jessie Lauren")

issue in issuesWithReminderForUser("Jessie Lauren", "true")

issue in issuesWithReminderForUser("Jessie Lauren", "false")

issuesWithReminderForGroup(“groupname”, “true of false”): This query returns issues that have reminders set up for the specified user group. It accepts two parameters: the first is the name of the group whose reminders you're interested in. The second is an optional parameter that indicates whether to retrieve issues with inactive reminders. If this parameter is omitted, the query will return all issues with reminders associated with the group, regardless of their status. If set to false, it will only return issues with active reminders.

issue in issuesWithReminderForGroup("org-admins")

issue in issuesWithReminderForGroup("org-admins", "true")

issue in issuesWithReminderForGroup("org-admins", "false")

issuesWithReminderDueWithin(duration, unit): This query returns issues which has reminders that will trigger within the specified time range. Duration parameter is an integer, like 1, 2, 10 etc. unit parameter can be any of the followings: 

  • for minute

  • for hour

  • for day

  • for week

Following query returns all issues which has at least one active reminder set up that is due within 3 days.

issue in issuesWithReminderDueWithin("3", "d")