Viewing Issues with Reminders

Viewing Issues with Reminders

You can use JQL to query which issues has a reminder, either active or completed. There are 7 JQL functions and all of them starts with “issuesWithReminder” prefix:

  • isuesWithReminder(“true/false”): This is the most basic of all JQL functions. It just returns all issues with reminders. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. 

Following queries returns all issues which has at least one reminder (active or completed).

issue in issuesWithReminder() 
issue in issuesWithReminder(“true”)

Following query returns all issues which has at least one active reminder.

issue in issuesWithReminder("false")
  • issuesWithReminderOwnedBy(“username”, “true or false”): This query returns issues which are owned (set up by) given username. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. 

Following query returns all issues which has at least one reminder set up by user with username “ataoguz”

issue in issuesWithReminderOwnedBy("ataoguz", "true")
  • issuesWithReminderForUser(“username”, “true or false”): This query returns issues which has reminders set up for the given username. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. 

Following query returns all issues which has at least one reminder set up for user with username “adaoguz”

issue in issuesWithReminderForUser("adaoguz", "true")
  • issuesWithReminderForEmail(“email”, “true or false”): This query returns issues which has reminders set up for the given email address. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. 

Following query returns all issues which has at least one reminder set up for email address “externaluser@client.com

issue in issuesWithReminderForUser("externaluser@client.com", "true")
  • issuesWithReminderForRole(“rolename”, “true or false”): This query returns issues which has reminders set up for the given project role. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. If you need to filter reminders for only a specific project add another JQL clause to filter projects as shown in the following example, without it query returns results from all projects.

Following query returns all issues which has at least one active reminder set up for project role “deployment-team” in ERP project.

issue in issuesWithReminderForRole("deployment-team", "true") AND project = "ERP"
  • issuesWithReminderForGroup(“cm”, “true of false”): This query returns issues which has reminders set up for user group. It takes one optional parameter to determine whether to return issues with only expired reminders to be returned. Default is true, which means all issues with reminders, either active or inactive are returned. If it is false, only the issues with at least one active reminder are returned. 

Following query returns all issues which has at least one active reminder set up for cm(Configuration Management) group.

issue in issuesWithReminderForGroup("cm", "true")

  • issuesWithReminderDueWithin(duration, unit): This query returns issues which has reminders that will trigger within the specified time range. Duration parameter is an integer, like 1, 2, 10 etc. unit parameter can be any of the followings: 
    • for minute
    • for hour
    • for day
    • for week

Following query returns all issues which has at least one active reminder set up that is due within 3 days.

issue in issuesWithReminderDueWithin("3", "d")