Common Flags
All commands accept a predefined list os flags. Of course flags related with output format are only applicable to commands that output some result.
Flag |
--json | Return the result in JSON format |
--yaml | Return the result in YAML format |
--csv | Returns the result in CSV format |
--table | Return the result in tabular format (default) |
--columns | Only applicable to tablular format. Comma separated list of columns that should be returned. Useful if number of default columns is high and columns are truncated. If a column name contains space, specify the column between ““ characters. Example: --columns=Id,Key,Summary |
--sort | Only applicable to tablular format. Sort the result table using the value of specified columns. Separate multiple columns with “,”. If a column name contains space, specify the column between ““ characters. Example: --sort=”Display Name” This filtering is done after the results are returned. If you use this flag together with --startAt, --maxResults flags, result may be different than you expect. Example: user get-all --sort=”Display Name” --maxResults=10 Above command will not fetch first 10 users whose “Display Name” comes before the other users alphabetically. It will fetch first 10 users and sort the resulting users alphabetically. |
--filter | Only applicable to tablular format. Filter the results by partial string matching. Example: --filter="Display Name=Deniz" This filtering is done after the results are returned. If you use this flag for a command that accepts --startAt, --maxResults flags, result may be different than you expect. The command is first executed with --startAt, and --maxResults flag and only the returned results are filtered. Example: user get-all --filter="Display Name=Deniz" --maxResults=10 This command first retrieves 10 users from he server and only shows the ones that contains the string “Deniz”. It doesn’t fetch first 10 users that has the string “Deniz”.
--no-truncate | Only applicable to tablular format. Don’t truncate the output to fit the screen. |
--no-header | Only applicable to tablular format. Hide table header from the output. |
--extended | Only applicable to tablular format. Some columns from the results are hidden by defaults to save screen space. To include these columns use --extended flag. |
--startAt | The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset) |
--maxResults | [default: 20] The maximum number of items to return per page |