Number of available commands may change from version to version and between Cloud and Server/DC deployments. You can also access exactly the same help using --help flag with any command.
jira announcement-banner update
Updates the announcement banner configuration.
$ jira announcement-banner update -m <value> -v public|private [-d] [-e]
-d, --[no-]isDismissible Flag indicating if the announcement banner can be dismissed by the user.
-e, --[no-]isEnabled Flag indicating if the announcement banner is enabled or not.
-m, --message=<value> (required) The text on the announcement banner.
-v, --visibility=<option> (required) Visibility of the announcement banner. Can be public or private.
<options: public|private>
Updates the announcement banner configuration.
$ jira announcement-banner update
$ jira announcement-banner update
jira announcement-banner get
Returns the current announcement banner configuration.
$ jira announcement-banner get
Returns the current announcement banner configuration.
jira announcement-banner update
Updates the announcement banner configuration.
$ jira announcement-banner update -m <value> -v public|private [-d] [-e]
-d, --[no-]isDismissible Flag indicating if the announcement banner can be dismissed by the user.
-e, --[no-]isEnabled Flag indicating if the announcement banner is enabled or not.
-m, --message=<value> (required) The text on the announcement banner.
-v, --visibility=<option> (required) Visibility of the announcement banner. Can be public or private.
<options: public|private>
Updates the announcement banner configuration.
$ jira announcement-banner update
$ jira announcement-banner update
jira application-role update
Updates the an application role. If versionHash is passed, the request will be rejected if not the same as server.
jira application-role get
Gets an application role.
jira application-role get-all
Gets all application roles.
jira application-role update
Updates the an application role. If versionHash is passed, the request will be rejected if not the same as server.
jira attachment add FILE
Adds an attachment to an issue.
jira attachment delete ID
Deletes an attachment from an issue.
jira attachment get-content
Gets the contents of an attachment. A Range header can be set to define a range of bytes within the attachment to download. See the HTTP Range header standard for details.
jira attachment get-jira-settings
Returns general information about the current Jira.
jira attachment get-metadata ID
Returns the metadata for an attachment. Note that the attachment itself is not returned.
jira attachment get-metadata-for-zip ID
Returns the metadata for the contents of an attachment, if it is an archive, and metadata for the attachment itself.
jira attachment get-thumbnails
Gets the thumbnail of an attachment.
jira audit-record get-associated
Get details of an item associated with the changed record.
jira audit-record get-changed
Get the list of values changed in the record event.
jira avatar delete-universal-avatar
Deletes the system and custom avatars for a project or issue type.
jira avatar delete-user-avatar
Deletes a custom avatar from a user. Note that system avatars cannot be deleted.
jira avatar get-all-user-avatar
Returns all user avatars for specified user.
jira avatar get-image-by-id
Downloads a project or issue type avatar image by ID .
jira avatar get-image-by-owner
Downloads the avatar image for a project or issue type into given file name.
jira avatar get-image-by-type
Downloads the default project or issue type avatar image into given file name.
jira avatar get-system-avatars
Returns all system avatars of the given type.
jira avatar get-universal-avatars
Returns the system and custom avatars for a project or issue type.
jira avatar set-user-avatar
Sets the user avatar to an already uploaded/existing avatar.
jira avatar upload-universal-avatar AVATARFILE
Uploads a custom avatar for a project or issue type.
jira avatar upload-user-avatar AVATARFILE
Uploads an avatar for a user.
jira comment-property delete-property
Deletes a property for a comment.
jira comment-property get-property
Gets the value of a property for a comment.
jira comment-property get-property-keys
Returns the keys of all the properties of a comment.
jira comment-property set-property
Creates or updates the value of a property for a comment.
jira comment add
Adds a comment.
jira comment delete
Deletes a comment.
jira comment get
Returns a comment.
jira comment get-for-issue [ISSUE]
Returns comments for an issue.
jira comment get-with-ids
Gets comments with specified IDs.
jira comment update
Updates a comment.
jira config add
Adds a new Jira site configuration.
jira config delete [SITE]
Deletes site with given alias.
jira config get-default
Gets alias of default Site.
jira config list
Lists all sites.
jira config set-default [SITE]
Sets default Site.
jira dashboard-gadget add
Adds a gadget to the dashboard.
jira dashboard-gadget get-availables
Gets a list of all available gadgets that can be added to all dashboards.
jira dashboard-gadget remove
Removes a gadget from dashboard.
jira dashboard-gadget search
Searches dashboard gadgets.
jira dashboard-gadget update
Updates a dashboard gadget.
jira dashboard-item-property delete
My description
jira dashboard-item-property get
Gets the key and value of a dashboard item property
jira dashboard-item-property get-keys
Gets keys of all properties for a dashboard item.
jira dashboard-item-property set [JSONBODY]
Sets the value of a dashboard item property. Use this resource in apps to store custom data against a dashboard item. The value of the request body must be a valid, non-empty JSON blob. The maximum length is 32768 characters.
jira dashboard add-edit-permission
Adds an edit permission to a dashboard.
jira dashboard add-share-permission
Adds an share permission to a dashboard.
jira dashboard copy
Copies a dashboard.
jira dashboard create
Creates a dashboard
jira dashboard delete
Deletes a dashboard.
jira dashboard get [ID]
Gets a dashboard.
jira dashboard get-all
Gets a list of dashboards owned by or shared with the user. The list may be filtered to include only favorite or owned dashboards.
jira dashboard get-permissions
Gets edit or share permissions that a dashboard has.
jira dashboard search
Searches all dashboards.
jira dashboard update
Updates a dashboard.
jira filter-sharing add-edit-permission
Add edit permission for a filter.
jira filter-sharing add-share-permission
Add share permission for filter.
jira filter-sharing delete-permission
Delete share permission of a filter.
jira filter-sharing get-default-scope
Set default sharing scope for filters.
jira filter-sharing get-edit-permissions
Get filter's share permissions.
jira filter-sharing get-permission
Get a share permission.
jira filter-sharing get-share-permissions
Get filter's share permissions.
jira filter-sharing set-default-scope
Set default sharing scope for filters.
jira filter add-favourite
Add filter to your favourites.
jira filter change-owner
Change filter's owner.
jira filter create
Create a filter.
jira filter delete
Delete a filter.
jira filter get [ID]
Get a filter.
jira filter get-columns
Get Filter's columns.
jira filter get-details
Get more details about filter.
jira filter get-favourites
Get favourite filters.
jira filter get-my
Get your filters.
jira filter remove-favourite
Remove filter from your favourites.
jira filter reset-columns
Reset Filter's columns.
jira filter search
Search for filters.
jira filter set-columns
Set Filter's columns.
jira filter update
Update a filter.
jira group-and-user-picker find-groups [QUERY]
Returns a list of users matching a string.
jira group-and-user-picker find-users [QUERY]
Returns a list of users matching a string.
jira group add-user [USER] [GROUP]
Adds a user to group.
jira group create [NAME]
Creates a group.
jira group find-groups
Find Groups.
jira group get [GROUP]
Gets a group.
jira group get-all
Gets groups.
jira group get-users [GROUP]
Gets users from a group.
jira group remove [GROUP]
Removes a group.
jira group remove-user [USER] [GROUP]
Removes user from a group.
jira help [COMMANDS]
Display help for jira.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
jira issue-field-configuration assign-issue-type
Assigns issue types to field configurations on field configuration scheme.
jira issue-field-configuration assign-scheme-to-project
Assings field configuration scheme to a project.
jira issue-field-configuration create
Creates an issue field configuration.
jira issue-field-configuration create-scheme
Creates a field configuration scheme.
jira issue-field-configuration delete
Deletes an issue field configuration.
jira issue-field-configuration delete-scheme
Deletes an issue field configuration scheme.
jira issue-field-configuration get-all
Gets all issue field configurations.
jira issue-field-configuration get-all-issue-type-items
Gets all field configuration issue type items.
jira issue-field-configuration get-all-schemes
Gets all field configuration schemes.
jira issue-field-configuration get-items
Gets all fields for a configuration.
jira issue-field-configuration get-project-schemes
Gets field configuration schemes and, for each scheme, a list of the projects that use it.
jira issue-field-configuration remove-issue-types
Removes issue types from field configurations on field configuration scheme.
jira issue-field-configuration update
Updates an issue field configurations.
jira issue-field-configuration update-items
Updates fields in a field configuration. The properties of the field configuration fields provided override the existing values.
jira issue-field-configuration update-scheme
Updates a field configuration scheme.
jira issue-field-context add-issue-types
Adds issue types to a custom field context, appending the issue types to the issue types list.
jira issue-field-context assign-to-projects
Assigns a custom field context to projects.
jira issue-field-context create
Creates an issue field context. If projectIds is empty, a global context is created. A global context is one that applies to all project. If issueTypeIds is empty, the context applies to all issue types.
jira issue-field-context delete
Deletes an issue field context.
jira issue-field-context get-all
Gets all issue field contexts.
jira issue-field-context get-contexts-for-projects-and-issue-types
Gets project and issue type mappings and, for each mapping, the ID of a custom field context that applies to the project and issue type.
jira issue-field-context get-default-values
Gets defaults for a custom field. The results can be filtered by contextId, otherwise all values are returned. If no defaults are set for a context, nothing is returned.
jira issue-field-context get-issue-types
Gets list of context to issue type mappings for a custom field. The result can be filtered by contextId
jira issue-field-context get-project-mappings
Gets list of context to project mappings for a custom field. The result can be filtered by contextId
jira issue-field-context remove-from-projects
Removes a custom field context from projects.
jira issue-field-context remove-issue-types
Removes issue types from a custom field context. A custom field context without any issue types applies to all issue types
jira issue-field-context set-default-values
Sets default for contexts of a custom field.
jira issue-field-context update
Updates an issue field context.
jira issue-field-option create-for-context
Creates options and, where the custom select field is of the type Select List (cascading), cascading options for a custom select field. The options are added to a context of the field.
jira issue-field-option delete-for-context
Deletes a custom field option. Options with cascading options cannot be deleted without deleting the cascading options first.
jira issue-field-option get [OPTIONID]
Gets custom field option.
jira issue-field-option get-for-context
Gets all custom field option for a context.
jira issue-field-option reorder-for-context
Changes the order of custom field options or cascading options in a context.
jira issue-field-option update-for-context
Updates the options of a custom field. If any of the options are not found, no options are updated. Options where the values in the request match the current values aren't updated and aren't reported in the response.
jira issue-field create
Creates a custom field.
jira issue-field delete
Deletes issue field. CLOUD ONLY -> This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira issue-field get-all
Returns system and custom issue fields.
jira issue-field move-trash
Moves a issue field to trash.
jira issue-field restore-trash
Restores a issue field from trash.
jira issue-field search
Searchs for custom fields. This command is only applicable to Jira Cloud
jira issue-field search-trash
Searchs for issue fields which are in the trash. This command is only applicable to Jira Cloud
jira issue-field update
Updates a custom field.
jira issue-link-type create
Creates an issue link type.
jira issue-link-type delete
Deletes an issue link type.
jira issue-link-type get [ISSUELINKTYPEID]
Gets an issue link type.
jira issue-link-type get-all
Gets all issue link types.
jira issue-link-type update
Updates an issue link type.
jira issue-link create [ISSUELINKBODY]
Creates a link between two issues. You can also provide request body as JSON using STDIN without specifying any flags.
jira issue-link delete [LINKID]
Deletes an issue link.
jira issue-link get [LINKID]
Gets an issue link.
jira issue-navigator-setting get-columns
Returns the default issue navigator columns.
jira issue-navigator-setting set-columns
Sets the default issue navigator columns.
jira issue-priority create
Creates an issue priority.
jira issue-priority delete
Deletes an issue priority.
jira issue-priority move
Changes the order of issue priorities.
jira issue-priority search
Search issue-priorities.
jira issue-priority set-default
Sets default issue priority.
jira issue-priority update
My description
jira issue-property delete
Deletes an issue's property.
jira issue-property delete-bulk [JSONBODY]
Deletes a property value from multiple issues. The issues to be updated can be specified by filter criteria. This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira issue-property get
Gets the key and value of an issue's property.
jira issue-property get-keys
Gets the URLs and keys of an issue's properties. This operation can be accessed anonymously.
jira issue-property set [JSONBODY]
Sets the value of an issue's property. Use this resource to store custom data against an issue. The value of the request body must be a valid, non-empty JSON blob. The maximum length is 32768 characters.
jira issue-property set-bulk [JSONBODY]
Sets a property value on multiple issues. This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira issue-property set-by-issue-bulk [JSONBODY]
Sets or updates entity property values on issues. Up to 10 entity properties can be specified for each issue and up to 100 issues included in the request. This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira issue-property set-by-list-bulk [JSONBODY]
Sets or updates a list of entity property values on issues. A list of up to 10 entity properties can be specified along with up to 10,000 issues on which to set or update that list of entity properties. This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira issue-remote-link create [ISSUEREMOTELINKBODY]
Creates or updates a remote issue link for an issue. You must provide request body as JSON using STDIN.
jira issue-remote-link delete
Deletes a remote issue link from an issue.
jira issue-remote-link delete-by-global-id
Deletes the remote issue link from the issue using the link's global ID.
jira issue-remote-link get
Returns a remote issue link for an issue.
jira issue-remote-link get-all
Returns the remote issue links for an issue.
jira issue-remote-link update [ISSUEREMOTELINKBODY]
Updates a remote issue link for an issue.
jira issue-resolution create
Creates an issue resolution. Only for cloud
jira issue-resolution delete
Deletes an issue resolution.
jira issue-resolution get [ID]
Returns a resolution. Only for server
jira issue-resolution get-all
Returns a list of all resolutions. Only for server.
jira issue-resolution move
Changes the order of issue resolutions.
jira issue-resolution search
Returns a paginated list of resolutions.
jira issue-resolution set-default
Sets default issue resolution. Only for cloud
jira issue-resolution update
Updates an issue resolution.
jira issue-search get-picker-suggestions
Gets the issues matching a query string. This command returns two types of search:
jira issue-search search
Searches for issues using JQL.
jira issue-search test-jql
Checks whether one or more issues would be returned by one or more JQL queries.
jira issue-security-level get [ISSUESECURITYLEVELID]
Returns details of an issue security level.
jira issue-security-level get-members
Returns issue security level members.
jira issue-security-scheme get [ISSUESECURITYSCHEMEID]
Returns an issue security scheme along with its security levels.
jira issue-security-scheme get-all
Returns all issue security schemes
jira issue-security-scheme get-levels
Returns an issue security scheme along with its security levels.
jira issue-type-property delete
Deletes an issue type property.
jira issue-type-property get
Gets issue type property.
jira issue-type-property get-keys
Gets issue type property keys.
jira issue-type-property set [JSONBODY]
Sets the value of the issue type property. Use this resource to store and update data against an issue type. The value of the request body must be a valid, non-empty JSON blob. The maximum length is 32768 characters.
jira issue-type-scheme add-issue-types
Adds issue types to an issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme assign-to-project
Assigns an issue type scheme to a project.
jira issue-type-scheme create
Creates an issue type schemes.
jira issue-type-scheme delete
Deletes an issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme get-for-projects
Gets issue type scheme IDs that given projects used.
jira issue-type-scheme get-issue-types
Gets issue types the issue type scheme have.
jira issue-type-scheme get-mappings
Gets issue type scheme - issue type mappings.
jira issue-type-scheme get-projects
Gets the projects the issue type scheme is assigned to.
jira issue-type-scheme move-issue-types
Changes order of the issue types in an issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme remove-all-projects
Removes all project associations from issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme remove-issue-type
Removes issue type from an issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme remove-project
Removes project association from issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme search
Searches all issue type schemes. Only issue type schemes used in classic projects are returned.
jira issue-type-scheme set-projects
Sets projects which assigned to issue type scheme.
jira issue-type-scheme update
Updates an issue type schemes.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme add-mappings
Adds issue type mappings to issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme assign-to-project
Assigns an issue type screen scheme to a project.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme create
Creates an issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme delete
Deletes an issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme get-for-projects
Gets issue type scheme screen IDs that given projects used (project - issue type screen scheme mapping.).
jira issue-type-screen-scheme get-items
Gets issue type screen scheme items.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme get-projects
Gets projects associated with an issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme remove-mappings
Removes issue type to screen scheme mappings from an issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme search
Searches issue type screen schemes.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme set-default-screen
Sets the default screen scheme of an issue type screen scheme. The default screen scheme is used for all unmapped issue types.
jira issue-type-screen-scheme update
Updates an issue type screen scheme.
jira issue-type create
Creates an issue type and adds it to the default issue type scheme
jira issue-type delete
My description.If the issue type is in use, all uses are updated with the alternative issue type (alternativeIssueTypeId)
jira issue-type get [ID]
Gets an issue type.
jira issue-type get-all
Gets all issue types.
jira issue-type get-all-for-projects
Gets issue types for a project.
jira issue-type get-alternatives
Gets a list of issue types that can be used to replace the issue type. The alternative issue types are those assigned to the same workflow scheme, field configuration scheme, and screen scheme.
jira issue-type set-avatar
Sets issue type avatar.
jira issue-type update
Updates the issue type.
jira issue-type upload-avatar AVATARFILE
Uploads an avatar for the issue type.
jira issue-vote add
Adds the users vote to an issue.
jira issue-vote delete
Deletes a users vote from an issue.
jira issue-vote get-all
Returns details about the votes on an issue.
jira issue-watcher add
Adds a user as a watcher of an issue by passing the account ID of the user.
jira issue-watcher delete
Deletes a user as a watcher of an issue.
jira issue-watcher get-all
Returns the watchers for an issue.
jira issue-watcher get-bulk
Returns, for the user, details of the watched status of issues from a list.
jira issue archive [ISSUE]
Archives an issue.
jira issue assign
Assigns an issue to a user. You can use this command to assign issues when the user submitting the request has the assign permission but not the edit issue permission. If the name is "-1" automatic assignee is used. A null name will remove the assignee.
jira issue create [ISSUEBODY]
Creates an issue or, where the option to create subtasks is enabled in Jira, a subtask. You can also provide issue body using STDIN.
jira issue delete [ISSUE]
If the issue has subtasks you must set the parameter deleteSubtasks=true to delete the issue. You cannot delete an issue without its subtasks also being deleted.
jira issue edit [ISSUEBODY]
Edits an issue. You can also provide issue body using STDIN.
jira issue get [ISSUE]
Creates an issue or, where the option to create subtasks is enabled in Jira, a subtask.
jira issue get-changelogs
Returns a list of all changelogs for an issue sorted by date, starting from the oldest.
jira issue get-create-metadata
Creates an issue or, where the option to create subtasks is enabled in Jira, a subtask.
jira issue get-edit-metadata [ISSUE]
Creates an issue or, where the option to create subtasks is enabled in Jira, a subtask.
jira issue get-events
Returns all issue events.
jira issue get-transitions
Returns either all transitions or a transition that can be performed by the user on an issue, based on the issue's status.
jira issue restore [ISSUE]
Restores an issue.
jira issue send-notifications
Edits an issue. You can also provide message body using STDIN.
jira issue transition [TRANSITIONBODY]
Returns either all transitions or a transition that can be performed by the user on an issue, based on the issue's status.
jira jira-expression analyse [JIRAEXPRESSIONBODY]
Analyses and validates Jira expressions.
jira jira-expression evaluate [JIRAEXPRESSIONBODY]
Evaluates a Jira expression and returns its value.
jira jira-settings get-advanced
Gets the application properties that are accessible on the Advanced Settings page
jira jira-settings get-globals
Gets the global settings in Jira. These settings determine whether optional features (for example, subtasks, time tracking, and others) are enabled. If time tracking is enabled, this operation also returns the time tracking configuration.
jira jira-settings get-properties
Gets all application properties or an application property.
jira jira-settings set-property
Sets the value of an application property. You can get known keys with jira jira-setting:get-advanced command.
jira jql convert-user-identifiers
Converts one or more JQL queries with user identifiers (username or user key) to equivalent JQL queries with account IDs.
jira jql get-auto-complete-suggestions
Returns the JQL search auto complete suggestions for a field.
jira jql get-reference-data
Fets reference data for JQL searches
jira jql parse
Parses and validates JQL queries.
jira jql sanitize
Sanitizes one or more JQL queries by converting readable details into IDs where a user doesn't have permission to view the entity.
jira label get-all
Returns a paginated list of labels.
jira license get
Returns licensing information about the Jira instance.
jira myself change-password
Modify caller password.
jira myself delete-preference
Deletes a preference of the user, which restores the default value of system defined settings.
jira myself get
Returns currently logged user.
jira myself get-locale
Returns the locale for the user.
jira myself get-preference
Returns the value of a preference of the current user.
jira myself set-preference [PREFERENCEBODY]
Creates a preference for the user or updates a preferences value by sending a plain text string.
jira myself update-user
Modify currently logged user.
jira notification-scheme add [NOTIFICATIONBODY]
Adds notifications to a notifications scheme.
jira notification-scheme create [NOTIFICATIONBODY]
Creates a notification scheme with notifications.
jira notification-scheme delete
Deletes a notification scheme.
jira notification-scheme delete-notification
Removes a notification from a notification scheme.
jira notification-scheme get
Returns a paginated notification scheme ordered by the display name from given id.
jira notification-scheme get-all
Returns a paginated list of notification schemes ordered by the display name.
jira notification-scheme get-projects
Returns a paginated mapping of project that have notification scheme assigned.
jira notification-scheme update
Updates a notification scheme.
jira permission-scheme create-grant
Creates a permission grant in a permission scheme.
jira permission-scheme create-scheme
Creates a new permission scheme. You can create a permission scheme with or without defining a set of permission grants.
jira permission-scheme delete-grant
Deletes a permission grant from a permission scheme.
jira permission-scheme delete-scheme
Deletes a permission scheme.
jira permission-scheme get
Returns a permission scheme.
jira permission-scheme get-all
Returns all permission schemes.
jira permission-scheme get-all-grants
Returns all permission grants for a permission scheme.
jira permission-scheme get-grant
Returns a permission grant.
jira permission check-global-permission
Check global permissions
jira permission check-issue-permission
Check the issue permissions.
jira permission check-project-permission
Check the project permissions.
jira permission get-all
Returns all permissions, including:global permissions.project permissions added by plugins.
jira permission get-my
Returns a list of permissions indicating which permissions the user has. Details of the user"s permissions can be obtained in a global, project, issue or comment context.
jira permission get-permitted [PERMISSION]
Returns all the projects where the user is granted a list of project permissions.
jira plugins
List installed plugins.
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
jira plugins:install PLUGIN...
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
jira plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
Displays installation properties of a plugin.
jira plugins:install PLUGIN...
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
jira plugins:link PLUGIN
Links a plugin into the CLI for development.
jira plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
jira plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
jira plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
jira plugins update
Update installed plugins.
jira project-avatar delete
Deletes a custom avatar from a project. Note that system avatars cannot be deleted.
jira project-avatar get-all
Returns all project avatars, grouped by system and custom avatars.
jira project-avatar set
Sets the project avatar to an already uploaded/existing avatar.
jira project-avatar upload AVATARFILE
Uploads an avatar for a project.
jira project-category create
Creates a project category.
jira project-category delete
Deletes a project category.
jira project-category get [ID]
Returns a project category.
jira project-category get-all
Returns all project categories.
jira project-category update
Updates a project category.
jira project-component create
Creates a component. Use components to provide containers for issues within a project.
jira project-component delete
Deletes a project component.
jira project-component get [ID]
Returns a project component.
jira project-component get-all
Returns all components in a project. See the Get project components paginated resource if you want to get a full list of components with pagination.
jira project-component get-issues-count
Returns the counts of issues assigned to the component.
jira project-component search
Search for project components. This command is only applicable to Jira Cloud
jira project-component update
Updates a component. Any fields included in the request are overwritten. If leadAccountId is an empty string ("") the component lead is removed.
jira project-email get-sender
Gets the project's sender email
jira project-email set-sender
Sets the project's sender email
jira project-feature get [PROJECT]
This resource represents project features. Use it to get the list of features for a project and modify the state of a feature.
jira project-feature set
Sets the state of a project feature.
jira project-key-and-name-validation get-valid-key
Validates a project key and, if the key is invalid or in use, generates a valid random string for the project key.
jira project-key-and-name-validation get-valid-name
Validates a project name and, if the name is invalid or in use, generates a valid random string for the project name.
jira project-key-and-name-validation validate-key
Validates a project key by confirming the key is a valid string and not in use.
jira project-permission-scheme get
Gets permission schema of project.
jira project-permission-scheme get-issue-security-levels
Returns "issue security" levels for the project that the user has access to
jira project-permission-scheme get-issue-security-scheme
Returns the issue security scheme associated with the project
jira project-permission-scheme get-issue-security-scheme-levels
Returns the issue security scheme levels associated with the project
jira project-permission-scheme get-permissions
Gets permissions of project's permission schema
jira project-permission-scheme set
Assigns permission schema to a project.
jira project-property delete
Remove a property from project's entity properties
jira project-property get
Returns the value of a project property.
jira project-property get-keys
Returns all project property keys for the project.
jira project-property set
Set the value (JSON) of a project property.
jira project-role-actor add-actors
Adds default actors tor project role
jira project-role-actor add-default-actors
Adds default actors to a role.
jira project-role-actor delete-actors
Deletes the default actors from a project role
jira project-role-actor delete-default-actors
Deletes the default actors from a project role.
jira project-role-actor get
Returns the default actors for the project role.
jira project-role-actor set-actors
Sets the actors for a project role for a project, replacing all existing actors.
jira project-role create
Returns details of a project role
jira project-role delete
Deletes a project role. You must specify a replacement project role if you wish to delete a project role that is in use.
jira project-role get [ID]
Returns details of a project role
jira project-role get-all
Returns all project roles and the details for each role
jira project-role get-role
My description
jira project-role get-roles
Returns a list of project roles for the project returning the name and self URL for each role.
jira project-role get-roles-and-details
Returns all project roles and the details for each role.
jira project-role project-role
Shows help about project role commands
jira project-role update
Updates the project role's name and description. You must include both a name and a description in the request.
jira project-role update-partial
Updates either the project roles name or its description.
jira project-type check-accessible
Gets details of a project type if it is accessible for current user
jira project-type get [KEY]
Gets details of a project type
jira project-type get-all
Returns all project types whether or not the instance has a valid license for each type
jira project-type get-licensed
Returns all project types whether or not the instance has a valid license for each type
jira project-type update
Updates project type of a project
jira project-version create
Creates a new project version.
jira project-version delete-and-replace
Deletes a project version. Alternative versions can be provided to update issues that use the deleted version.
jira project-version get [ID]
Returns a project version.
jira project-version get-all
Returns all versions in a project. The response is not paginated. Use Get project versions paginated if you want to get the versions in a project with pagination.
jira project-version get-related-issue-count
Returns number of issues for each version field.
jira project-version get-unresolved-issue-count
Returns counts of the issues and unresolved issues for the project version.
jira project-version merge
Merges two project versions. The merge is completed by deleting the version specified in id and replacing any occurrences of its ID in fixVersion with the version ID specified in moveIssuesTo.
jira project-version move
Modifies the version's sequence within the project, which affects the display order of the versions in Jira.
jira project-version search
Search for project components. This command is only applicable to Jira Cloud
jira project-version update
Updates a project version.
jira project archive
Archive a project.
jira project create
Create a new project.
jira project delete
Delete a project.
jira project get [PROJECT]
Get details of a project.
jira project get-all
Get list of all projects. For cloud consider using 'search' command instead of this one.
jira project get-all-issue-types
Get all statuses grouped by issue types.
jira project get-issue-type-hierarchy
Get issue type hierarchy of a next gen project. Only for Cloud.
jira project get-notification-schema
Gets notification schema of project.
jira project project
Shows help about project commands
jira project restore
Restores a project from trash.
jira project search
Search for projects. This command is only applicable to Jira Cloud
jira project unarchive
Restore a project from archive.
jira project update
Updates the project.
jira screen-scheme create
Creates a screen scheme.
jira screen-scheme delete
Deletes a screen scheme.
jira screen-scheme get-all
Gets all screen schemes. (Use the expanded flag to see screens of the schemes.)
jira screen-scheme update
Updates a screen scheme.
jira screen-tab-field add
Adds a field to a screen tab.
jira screen-tab-field get-all
Gets all fields for a screen tab.
jira screen-tab-field move
Moves a screen tab field.
jira screen-tab-field remove
Removes a field from a screen tab.
jira screen-tab create
Creates a screen tab.
jira screen-tab delete
Deletes a screen tab.
jira screen-tab get-all
Gets all screen tabs.
jira screen-tab move
Moves a screen tab.
jira screen-tab update
Updates a screen tab.
jira screen add-field-to-default-screen
Adds a field to the default tab of the default screen.
jira screen create
Creates a screen.
jira screen delete
Deletes a screen.
jira screen get-all
Gets all screens
jira screen get-available-fields
Gets the fields that can be added to a tab on a screen.
jira screen get-field-screens
Gets screens a field is used in.
jira screen get-workflows
Gets all screens workflow.
jira screen update
Updates a screen.
jira server-info get
Returns general information about the current Jira.
jira server-info jmx
Returns JMX information from Jira VM.
jira status create
Creates status.
jira status delete [STATUSID]
Deletes statuses.
jira status get [STATUSID]
Gets the statuses specified by one or more status IDs.
jira status get-usages
Gets usages of a status.
jira status search
Searches statuses.
jira status status-command
jira status update
Updates a status.
jira task cancel
Cancels a task.
jira task get [TASKID]
Gets the status of a long-running asynchronous task.
jira time-tracking get
Returns the time tracking provider that is currently selected. Note that if time tracking is disabled, then a successful but empty response is returned.
jira time-tracking get-all
Returns all time tracking providers. By default, Jira only has one time tracking provider: JIRA provided time tracking.
jira time-tracking get-setting
Returns the time tracking settings. This includes settings such as the time format, default time unit, and others.
jira time-tracking select
Selects a time tracking provider.
jira time-tracking set
Sets the time tracking settings.
jira update [CHANNEL]
update the jira CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-update
jira user-property delete
Deletes a property from a user.
jira user-property get-all-keys
Returns the keys of all properties for a user.
jira user-property get-user-property
Returns the value of a user's property. If no property key is provided Get user property keys is called.
jira user-property set [VALUE]
Sets the value of a user's property.
jira user-search accounts-with-query
Finds account IDs with a structured query.
jira user-search assignable-users
Returns a list of users that match the search string. Call with an issue key when a list of assignable users is retrieved for editing. For create only a project key should be supplied.
jira user-search assignable-users-bulk
Returns a list of users that match the search string and can be assigned issues for all the given projects.
jira user-search find
Returns a list of users that match the search string. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.
jira user-search with-permission
Returns a list of active users that match the search string and have all specified permissions for the project or issue.
jira user-search with-query
Finds users with a structured query and returns a paginated list of user details.
jira user add-user-to-application
Returns a user.
jira user change-password
Modify user password.
jira user create
Creates a user.
jira user delete
Deletes a user.
jira user get [USER]
Returns a user.
jira user get-all
Returns a paginated list of the users. If you specify one or more accountId only those users will be returned.
jira user get-default-columns [USER]
Returns the default issue table columns for the given user. Admin permission will be required to get columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.
jira user get-email [USER]
Returns a user's email address.
jira user get-user-groups [USER]
Returns the groups to which a user belongs.
jira user remove-user-from-application
Returns a user.
jira user reset-default-columns [USER]
Reset the default columns for the given user to the system default. Admin permission will be required to get columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.
jira user set-default-columns
Sets the default issue table columns. Admin permission will be required to set columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.
jira user update
Updates a user.
jira user user-command
jira workflow-scheme-draft create
Create a draft workflow scheme from an active workflow scheme, by copying the active workflow scheme. Note that an active workflow scheme can only have one draft workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft delete
Deletes a draft workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft delete-default-workflow
Deletes default workflow of a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft delete-issue-types-for-workflow
Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft delete-workflow-for-issue-type
Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft get [WORKFLOWSCHEMEID]
Gets the draft workflow scheme for an active workflow scheme. Draft workflow schemes allow changes to be made to the active workflow schemes: When an active workflow scheme is updated, a draft copy is created. The draft is modified, then the changes in the draft are copied back to the active workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft get-default-workflow
Gets default workflow of workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-draft get-issue-types-for-workflows
Gets the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme draft.
jira workflow-scheme-draft get-workflow-for-issue-type
Gets the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme draft.
jira workflow-scheme-draft publish
Publishes a draft workflow scheme. Where the draft workflow includes new workflow statuses for an issue type, mappings are provided to update issues with the original workflow status to the new workflow status. This operation is asynchronous. You can use jira task:get
command to obtain any updates.
jira workflow-scheme-draft set-issue-types-for-workflow
Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme. The workflow can also be set as the default workflow for the workflow scheme. Unmapped issues types are mapped to the default workflow.
jira workflow-scheme-draft set-workflow-for-issue-type
Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme draft.
jira workflow-scheme-draft update [WORKFLOWSCHEMEBODY]
Updates a draft workflow scheme. If a draft workflow scheme does not exist for the active workflow scheme, then a draft is created. Note that an active workflow scheme can only have one draft workflow scheme. You can also provide request body as JSON using STDIN without specifying any flags.
jira workflow-scheme-draft update-default-workflow
Updates default workflow of a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme-project-association assign
Assigns a workflow scheme to a project. This operation is performed only when there are no issues in the project.
jira workflow-scheme-project-association get-all
Gets a list of the workflow schemes associated with a list of projects
jira workflow-scheme create [WORKFLOWSCHEMEBODY]
Creates workflow scheme. You can also provide request body as JSON using STDIN without specifying any flags.
jira workflow-scheme delete
Deletes a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme delete-default-workflow
Deletes default workflow of a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme delete-issue-types-for-workflow
Deletes the workflow-issue type mapping for a workflow in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme delete-workflow-for-issue-type
Deletes the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme get [WORKFLOWSCHEMEID]
Gets a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme get-all
Gets all workflow schemes.
jira workflow-scheme get-default-workflow
Gets default workflow of workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme get-issue-types-for-workflows
Gets the workflow-issue type mappings for a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme get-workflow-for-issue-type
Gets the issue type-workflow mapping for an issue type in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme set-issue-types-for-workflow
Sets the issue types for a workflow in a workflow scheme. The workflow can also be set as the default workflow for the workflow scheme. Unmapped issues types are mapped to the default workflow.
jira workflow-scheme set-workflow-for-issue-type
Sets the workflow for an issue type in a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-scheme update [WORKFLOWSCHEMEBODY]
Updates workflow scheme. You can also provide request body as JSON using STDIN without specifying any flags.
jira workflow-scheme update-default-workflow
Updates default workflow of a workflow scheme.
jira workflow-status-category get
Gets a status category. Status categories provided a mechanism for categorizing statuses.
jira workflow-status-category get-all
Gets a all status categories.
jira workflow-status get [IDORNAME]
Gets a status. The status must be associated with an active workflow to be returned. If a name is used on more than one status, only the status found first is returned. Therefore, identifying the status by its ID may be preferable. This operation can be accessed anonymously.
jira workflow-status get-all
Gets all statuses associated with active workflows.
jira workflow-transition-property create
Adds a property to a workflow transition. Transition properties are used to change the behavior of a transition.
jira workflow-transition-property delete
Deletes a property from a workflow transition. Transition properties are used to change the behavior of a transition.
jira workflow-transition-property get
Gets properties on a workflow transition. Transition properties are used to change the behavior of a transition.
jira workflow-transition-property update
Updates a workflow transition by changing the property value. Trying to update a property that does not exist results in a new property being added to the transition.
jira workflow create [WORKFLOWBODY]
Creates workflow.
jira workflow delete
Deletes inactive workflow.
jira workflow get-projects
Gets information about the projects the workflow is assigned to, through workflow schemes.
jira workflow get-schemes
Gets information about the workflow schemes the workflow is assigned to.
jira workflow get-statuses
Gets information about the statuses inside the workflow
jira workflow get-statuses-properties
For each workflow status, gets information about its properties.
jira workflow get-transitions
Gets given workflow's transitions
jira workflow get-transitions-rules
Gets given workflow's transition rules
jira workflow search
Searches all workflows.
jira worklog-property delete
Deletes a property for a worklog.
jira worklog-property get
Gets the value of a property for a worklog.
jira worklog-property get-keys
Returns the keys of all the properties of a worklog.
jira worklog-property set-property
Creates or updates the value of a property for a worklog.
jira worklog add
Adds a worklog to an issue.
jira worklog delete
Deletes a worklog.
jira worklog get
Returns a specific worklog.
jira worklog get-deleted [SINCE]
Returns a list of IDs and delete timestamps for worklogs deleted after a date and time.
jira worklog get-for-issue
Returns worklogs for an issue, starting from the oldest worklog or from the worklog started on or after a date and time.
jira worklog get-updated [SINCE]
Returns a list of IDs and update timestamps for worklogs updated after a date and time.
jira worklog get-with-ids [WORKLOGID]
Returns worklog details for a list of worklog IDs.
jira worklog update
Adds a worklog to an issue.