Similar Issues

Similar Issues

Similar issues are found according to the summary field of the corresponding issue. Also, additional criteria can be set, such as showing similar issues that are in the same project, have the same component, or are in a particular fix version, and more. These settings are described in the administration manual.

Depending on the configuration, there may be two places where similar issues are displayed;

Create Issue Screen

In order to display similar issues on the create issue screen, you need to configure add-on as explained in the administration section. Due to technical reasons, it is more difficult to configure than DC version of the app. When you update the summary field and press tab or click outside of the summary field, existing issues similar to the entered summary are displayed. Depending on the add-on configuration various issue fields may also be displayed in addition to “issue key” and summary. You can preview the issue description by clicking on the ℹ️ icon next to the summary field.


In a Panel on the Issue View

In addition to searching for the similar issues during issue creation, you have also option to display issues similar to the one you are viewing. As all Jira “Issue panels”, you need to add it to the issue view using the menu on the top of the Jira issue view.

After adding it, you can minimize or remove from the issue view, whenever you want.