Related Issues

Related Issues

Related issues show the issues that are suitable for the query determined by jql for corresponding issue in the 'Related Issues' tab of the issue panel. Each jql query to be used for related issues is created with a title and each title represents the jql generated for it. The related issues table in the issue panel is displayed with its title. The jql to be applied for related issues can be switched by selecting the other title with the three dots next to the title of the table.

The concept of 'Related Issues' is divided into two groups as related issues generated at the issue level and related issues generated at the project level. While the related issues titles created specifically for the displayed issue is showing under the 'Issue Level Configurations' heading in the dropdown menu opened with these three dots, the related issues titles that are created for the project of the issue that is viwed are appearing under the 'Project Level Configurations' heading. A new 'related issues' title for the displayed issue can be created here or the existing title can be deleted or edited from here. However, the related issues that is created for the project level can not be changed from the issue view. This operation can only be done from the project settings.

As an example of related issues, let's say you have JQL Organizations="$issue.cf[10002]" AND resolution is EMPTY ORDER BY duedate. The related issues tab shows other issues with the same 'organizations' field value of the issue being displayed. Also, the resolution of those issues is empty and they are oreded by due date. The fields to be displayed in the related issue table are added to the 'Fields' section. In this example, the 'Due date' and 'Request participants' fields will be displayed. In addition, how many issues will be displayed at once is determined from the 'Number of Issues' section. The remaining issues can be viewed by using the next button, depending on this number.

Let's say that a jql related issues table is created with certain values for the 'Organizations' field, for example 'Milsoft' and 'NATO'. When we add the organizations field to the Fields part, it can be easily viewed which organizations field value is specified for which issue. In addition, by adding fields such as 'Time to resolution', 'Time to first response' and 'Request Participant', the values of these fields of related issues can be shown in the table. In this way, the desired information to be obtained for related issues can be accessed with a single table.

If there is a description of the issue in the related issues table, the eye icon appears next to the corresponding issue summary. When hovering over this icon, the description appears.