Global Configuration

Global Configuration


Global configuration is applicable to all projects.


On the 'General' page in the administration settings, there are two checkboxes that enable or disable the related and similar issues features. Thanks to these checkboxes, you can globally disable or enable these features provided by the add-on.

Similar Issues

Configurations for similar issues are located on the 'Similar Issues' page. Some of these configurations can be overridden from Project Configuration which can be found under settings section of each project. Note that if you disable similar issues from global configuration for a project, they will not able turn it on from project specific setting. But if you enable it from global configuration, they can still disable it from project specific setting.






Similar Issues Should Satisfy

You can limit which issues are searched within the scope of similar issues. For example you can limit search to only recent issues, issues in specific status or unresolved issues. Please check our examples for an idea of what you can do.

Search Description

When performing any search the add-on also searches the issue description. If you don't want to search description you can disable this feature using this field.

Search Summary

When performing any search the add-on also searches the issue summary. If you don't want to search summary you can disable this feature using this field.

Similarity Mode

We suggest you to try 2 different modes provided and stick with the one best matches to your issue database. Strict mode requires all search terms to exist in similar issues, so it returns much less result than Loose mode.

Display Mode

In Overlay Mode, search results are displayed on top of other fields on issue create dialog. Inline mode causes other fields on the issue dialog to be shifted down.

Number of Similar Issues Displayed

Shows how many results are displayed. On Similar Issue Tab Panel you can click 'Next' to display other issues.

Quick Search Behavior

If you want, you can completely disable the add-on's quick search behavior and use Jira's own search. The add-on has some extra capabilities when searching similar issues. See Quick Search section for more details.

Open Issues In

On any search result, pressing the 'enter' key will open the issue, or clicking on the issue key will also open the issue. By using this setting you can control whether this issue will be opened in the current browser tab or it will be opened in a new browser tab.

Similar Issues Shown On

When you open an issue page, similar issues may to current issue may be displayed in a tab on the bottom of the issue, or it may be displayed in a panel on the right hand side of the issue.

Extra Fields To Search

By default the add-on only searches 'summary' and 'description' fields. By adding more fields here, you can control which other fields are also searched.

Additional Fields to Trigger Search

When creating a new issue, search is normally only triggered when you modify the summary field. Using this option you can trigger search with modification to other text fields.

Similar Only If the Same

By default similar issues on an issue page are restricted to current project, but you can use other fields. For example you can completely remove project filtering (default) or you can add component based filtering. In that case only the issues belonging to the same component are shown. There are two modes as ‘AND' and 'OR’ for this setting. If you select 'AND', the values of the all fields are needed to be same to be similar. If you select 'OR', the same value of the one of the fields is enough to be similar.

Also Show Fields

In addition to issue summary and type fields specified here are also displayed for each issue.

Per Project Status

Allows you to easily disable add-on only for specific projects or only enable it for specific projects. 

Comma Separated Ignored Expressions/Words

Words specified in this list are ignored when searching similar issues. Please don't use special characters as much as you can. And use "" around multi word expressions.

Always Add Linked Issues to the Result

If this setting is selected as yes, linked issues are always added to the similar issues list of the issue that has these linked issues.

Quick Search

Starting from version 7.8.0 Jira also has a similar quick search behavior. You can't use both at the same time. You should decide on which quick search behavior to use. Similar Issues Finder's quick search has following advantages:

  • You can search based on configured additional fields. See "Extra Fields to Search" global setting.

  • You can configure how many results are displayed from add-on's setting. See "Number of Similar Issues Displayed" global setting.

  • If you search by an issue key, link status of found issues are also displayed and you can create issue links easily. For example if the issue is already marked as duplicate you can immediately see it. If it is not, you can create the link with a click.

  • Issue description preview.

  • Status of the issue is also displayed.

You can disable Similar Issues Finder Add-on's quick search behavior from add-on's global settings and continue to use other functionality of the add-on like similar issues tab, live search when creating an issue. If you want you can also disable JIRA's own quick search functionality and use Similar Issues Finder's Quick Search. You can re-enable JIRA's quick search anytime you want. You can use following steps to disable JIRA's own Quick Search Behavior:


Starting from 1.18.0 version of Similar Issues add-on, it automatically disables Jira's own search functionality if you set quick search behavior setting to "Similar Issues". The add-on also re-enables Jira's own search if you set quick search behavior to "Jira". So you don't need to manually apply following procedures. 

  • Navigate to Administration → Add-ons → Manage Add-ons

  • Set combobox to 'All add-ons'

  • Enter the text 'quick' to filter field

  • Locate the Atlassian Jira - Plugins - Quick Search in "System add-ons" section

  • Click on 'Disable' button to disable Quick Search of Jira




Disabling Similar Issues Tab Panel Completely

Currently there is no configuration option to disable “Similar Issues Tab Panel”. But using Jira’s build-in add-on module disable capability you can disable related modules of the add-on. This will disable similar issues tab panel from the normal issue view and issue detail view Jira Software boards.

  • Navigate to Administration → Add-ons → Manage Add-ons

  • Set combobox to 'All add-ons'

  • Enter the text 'similar' to filter field and expand “Similar Issues Finder” app

  • Click on '+' icon next to “40 of 40 modules” enabled link. Module count may change in the future.

  • Disable the modules shown in the following screenshot