

Some issues may be handled special with WorklogPro cloud. There are 3 different categories that allow you to customize these issues. Those categories are 'Internal', 'Private' and 'Always shown on timesheet'. To add an issue, first, you have to create an actual JIRA issue. We suggest you to create a separate JIRA project for these special issues and create of them inside that project. You can reach issues setting from the settings of jira represented by cogwheel located in the Jira top navigation bar by section “Apps“. The table located in this page shows all issues that is added before. As the types of these issues are displayed, you can also easily change, add or delete these types by using the corresponding checkbox on the table.

Internal Issues

 Internal issues are used to keep work of company-wide activities like vacations, sick leaves, meetings, etc. Internal issues are displayed in a separate section on the issue picker of the “Log Work” dialog. That means they are easier to access and always available. Please ensure that every user has “Work on issue' permission on those issues. List of internal issues changes from company to company, and determine the activities you like to collect company-wide instead of project level. You can remove or add the internal flag to an issue on the "Issues" table by clicking on the checkbox under the "Internal" column.

Private Issues

Normally any user who can view an issue can also view worklogs for that issue. Some issues may be marked as "Private"whicht mean, all the worklogs entered for the issue are only visible to the worklog author and the user creating the worklog entry. You can remove or add private flag of the issue on the issues table scree, by clicking on the checkbox under the "Private" column. If you change a private internal issue tonon-privatee internal issue, all the worklogs, even the previously entered worklogs will be visible to any user who can view the issue itself. 

Always Show on Timesheet Issues

If "Always Show on Timesheet" option is selected, this issue is always displayed on users' timesheet even if they haven't logged any work for this issue yet. This option is useful for issues that people log work regularly, such as meetings, holidays. Since these issues are not direct responsibility of employees, they may forget to log work for them. By always displaying these you can guide them to log work correctly.

Adding Issues

After creating JIRA issue add it to issues table by clicking on "Add Issue" button, on the top left-hand side of the table. "Add Issue Dialog" will be opened, search for the issue and add it to the table by clicking on "Save" button.

Deleting Issues

Issues can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon that appears on the right side of the issue by hovering over the issue that is wanted to be deleted.A confirmation dialog of deleting issue process is going to be opened .The 'Delete' button on this dialog removes the issue from the list permanently.


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