Example Use Cases

Example Use Cases

Issues of the same organization

When working on a service desk ticket, you want to take a look at organization’s other tickets. You can create a related issues configuration at project level and whenever you need to look organization’s other issues you can access it immediately. You can also add SLA, Status and other issue fields to get a quick overview of how well you are serving to that organization.

Organizations in ("$issue.cf[10300]")

Issues fixed/reported in the same version

When looking at a ticket, you can easily get a list of all the issues which are reported/fixed in the same version easily.


Sibling issues

When viewing a parent issue, you can view child issues directly inside the parent issue view. Also, when viewing a child issue, you can view the “issue key” of the parent issue. With this related issue configuration, you can easily all sibling issues when viewing a child issue without needing to navigate to parent issue itself.

parent = "$issue.parent"

Issues in the same sprint

Of course, you can always go to the sprint view and check the issues in the current sprint. But you can also view them without navigating from your current issue. You can also add any fields you want like assignee and story points. In my example, sprint custom field’s ID is 10006 and it will be probably different for your Jira instance. But don’t worry, you can select it from the auto-complete popup.

Sprint = "$issue.cf[10006]"

Issues this issue is mentioned

Unfortunately, linking issues is a mostly manual process and it is not always properly done. Sometimes relationship between Jira issues is just a mention in comments, description or summary of other Jira issues.

comment ~ "$issue.key" OR description ~ "$issue.key" OR summary ~ "$issue.key"


Issues assigned to the same team

cf[10400] = "$issue.cf[10400]"