Custom Fields++
Provides several new custom fields for Jira and number of available custom fields are increasing. You can request new type of custom fields in our issue tracker if you want. In addition to providing completely new custom fields, the add-on also provides replacements for some of the JIRA's build in custom fields with improved functionality. For the replacement fields you can easily migrate by changing a database record easily and without any data lost. Please don't forget to backup just in case. Most functionality of the custom fields can also be updated by REST API so that you can integrate them to your own customizations. For the complete description of each custom field please refer to the user manual.
Each select field has a different set of options even the same select list may have different set of options for different field contexts (pair of project and issue types). Sometimes you may need to add the same set of options to several different select fields and each time when you need to change it may be difficult to add them one by one to each select field. By using database synchronization feature of "Single Select++", "Multi Select++",…