Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In addition to all common variables you have also access to following “component version” specific variable within your template.




List< >


String. Name of version.


Version object.


String. Name of component.


Component object.

You can use following release note template as a base for your own release notes. Actually it is Jira’s default release note template.

Code Block
##Text is escaped twice so that the characters generated in the text area display properly escaped (JRA-12184)
###macro (doubleEncode $html)
##        $textUtils.htmlEncode($textUtils.htmlEncode($html))
<title>$textUtils.htmlEncode($action.getText('release.notes.html.title', $project, $version))</title>

#foreach ($issueType in $issueTypes)
    #if($issueType.issues.size() > 0)
        #foreach ($issue in $issueType.issues)
            <li>[<a href='$requestContext.canonicalBaseUrl/browse/$issue.key'>$issue.key</a>] - $textUtils.htmlEncode($issue.summary)</li>

<a name="editarea"></a>

<textarea rows="40" cols="120" id="editcopy">

#doubleEncode($action.getText('release.notes.heading', $project, $version))
#foreach ($issueType in $issueTypes)
    #if($issueType.issues.size() > 0)

#foreach ($issue in $issueType.issues)
<li>[<a href='$!requestContext.canonicalBaseUrl/browse/$issue.key'>$issue.key</a>] - #doubleEncode($issue.summary)</li>
