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Certain countries require personal records to be cleared after a specific amount of time past since initial creation of the record for example European countries requires this due to GDPR. To achieve this WorklogPRO allows bulk update of worklog author of worklogs including all change histories visible in Activities and History section of issues. After worklog move operation is completed it is not possible to identify original author of worklog even inspecting Jira's database directly so this operation is irreversible. To start worklog anonymization you have to create a normal Jira User, this user doesn't need to have access to any project or special permission. You can name this user in anyway you want but you will probably make its display name unique for easy identification from other Jira users. This user will be worklog author of all anonymized worklog authors. 

InfoNote that this feature allows moving worklogs from any user to any other user, you don't have to use it only for worklog anonymization

Like "Bulk Issue Update" feature of Jira, WorklogPRO has "Bulk Worklog Update" feature. You can first search worklogs using date range, JQL and worklog attributes after that you can select the worklogs individually and after that you can specify new issue, user or worklog attributes. This is an easy way to common fix worklog errors or migrating/adding worklog attributes as your business requirements change

  1. Navigate to add-on administration and select 'Bulk Update Worklogs' from WorklogPRO section. 
  2. Enter "start date", "end date", and optionally "Worklog Author" and click on 'Filter' to view list of all matching worklogs. If you don't specify a "Worklog Author" worklogs from all users in the specified period will be returned.
  3. "New Worklog Author" selector will be available. Select a new worklog author tell will have ownership and change histories of displayed worklogs.
  4. Click on "Move" to move worklogs to new worklog author.