- Create New Component: Allows you to create Jira project components without leaving "Component Versions" page. In addition to project administrators, if you specify a "Configuration Management Role" from add-on settings, users in the specified project role can also create new components.
- Create New Version: Allows you to create Jira project versions without leaving "Component Versions" page. In addition to project administrators, if you specify a "Configuration Management Role" from add-on settings, users in the specified project role can also create new versions.
- Synchronize Component Version Information: When you select this option, release status, dates, description of each component version is overridden with corresponding project version information.
- Export: Exports component versions as JSON file. This export can be import to the same project or another project.
- Import: Imports a previously exported component version JSON file. All existing component versions are deleted and re-created from the information specified in JSON file.
Component Level Actions
Component Version Level Actions