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if you want, you can still use the standalone command line executable for Jira Cloud sites. You don’t need to purchase it separately. Please refer to DC version for more details.

Start by running Atlas CLI by selecting Apps -> Atlas CLI Terminal from the top navigation of Jira. An embedded terminal will be displayed. Write “--help” to see a list of all top level commands.

To see which sub-command there are for each top-level command us the “--help” flag after the command. For example:

~$ user --help
  user add-user-to-application
  user change-password
  user create
  user delete
  user find
  user find-accounts-with-query
  user find-assignable-users
  user find-assignable-users-bulk
  user find-with-permission
  user find-with-query
  user get
  user get-all
  user get-default-columns
  user get-email
  user get-user-groups
  user remove-user-from-application
  user reset-default-columns
  user set-default-columns
  user update

To get help about the accepted flags and arguments of each sub-command, use “--help” again as shown in the following example:

~$ user find --help
  $ jira user find --search <value> [--startAt <value>] [--maxResults <value>] [--property <value>] [--includeActive] [--includeInActive]

  --[no-]includeActive    Applicable to only Server and DC. If true, then active users are included in the results (default true).
  --[no-]includeInActive  Applicable to only Server and DC. If true, then inactive users are included in the results (default false).
  --maxResults=<value>    [default: 20] The maximum number of items to return per page.
  --property=<value>      Applicable to only Cloud. A query string used to search properties. To search for the value of nested from {"something":{"nested":1,"other":2}} use thepropertykey.something.nested=1.
  --search=<value>        (required) The search string.
  --startAt=<value>       The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset).
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