Log Work (Time Tracking) Custom Field and Post Functions that Update Estimate Fields
Log Work (Time Tracking) Custom Field and Post Functions that Update Estimate Fields
You can add either Jira's build in "Time Tracking" field or WorklogPRO's "Log Work" custom field to issue transition screens and allow users to specify time spent and remaining estimate during issue transitions. You may also be using a workflow post function that modifies remaining estimate to a predefined value. Since both functionality allows to specify remaining estimate it may be not clear which functionality will win and determine final remaining estimate value for the Jira issue. Actually which one determines the final value is determined order of post function in the list of all post functions.
- If you place the post function at the top of post function list, post functions output will not be used and final value of remaining estimate field will be determined by time tracking/Log Work custom field.
- If you place the post function at the bottom of the list, just above indexing post function, the value set on time tracking/Log Work custom field will be overridden by the value specified by post function.