Project Configurations for Similar Issues

Project Configurations for Similar Issues

The project configuration page for similar issues consist of two tabs, “View issue” and “Create issue”. The "View issue" tab applies to similar issues displayed in the issue panel in the issue view. The "Create issue" tab applies to similar issues displayed on the “Create issue” dialog. Some settings applicable to “View issue” screen are not available for “Create issue” screen. Configuring “Create issue” settings is not enough for displaying “similar issues” on the “create issue” dialog. You also need to configure “Similar Issues Custom Field”.

Configuration for Issue View


If it is checked, the similar issues section in the issue panel is disabled.


If it is checked, the similar issues section in the issue panel is disabled.

Applicable issue type

This configuration determines whether the "similar issues panel" is active for the type of current issue. Similar issues on issue view will be disabled for issue types that are not selected here.

Search fields

By default the add-on only searches 'summary' field. By adding more fields here, you can control which other fields are also searched.

Additional criteria

Additional criteria allow filtering with JQL among similar issues. For example, only the similar issues that have the same project and the task issue type are displayed with this JQL "project="$issue.project" AND issuetype=Task"


Except for the issue key and summary, the fields that are desired to be displayed in the similar issues table should be added here.

Number of issues

This field determines how many similar issues will be displayed at a time. If there are more similar issues than the number specified here, other issues that are not displayed can be viewed by using the next button. Also, the pervious button is used to see the previously viewed issues.

Similar Issues Custom Field

The "Similar and Related Issues for Jira" app provides a custom field called "Similar Issues Field." To add this custom field to your Jira cloud instance, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings in Jira.

  2. Select "Jira settings" from the menu.

  3. Navigate to "Issues" and click on "Custom Fields."

  4. Locate the "Similar Issues Field" in the list of custom fields and add it.

  5. After adding the field, associate it with the create issue screen of the desired project.

For optimal usability, we recommend positioning the "Similar Issues Field" just below the summary field on the screen. This way, you can easily view similar issues after completing the summary.