Represents a reminder within a project.
id: String!
- The unique identifier of the reminder. (Format:REMI-issueId-randId
)issueId: String!
- The unique identifier of the issue associated with issue ID related to the reminder.private: Boolean!
- Whether the reminder is private. Defaults tofalse
.subject: String!
- The title or /subject of the reminder.message: String
- The optional message content of the reminder.recipientUsers: [String!]
- The list of user IDs users who will receive the reminder.recipientGroups: [String!]
- The list of group IDs groups that will receive the reminder.recipientChannels: [String!]
- The list of Slack/MS Teams channels (if enabled) that will receive the reminder.recipientGoogleChats: [String!]
- The list of Google Chat spaces that will receive the reminder.cancelWhenResolved: Boolean!
- Whether the reminder is should be canceled when the issue is resolved. Defaults totrue
.autoDelete: Boolean!
- Whether the reminder is should be automatically deleted after being sent. Defaults totrue
.addIssueComment: Boolean!
- Whether a comment should be added to the issue when the reminder is sent. Defaults tofalse
.period: String
- The recurrence period (None
).interval: Int
- The interval for recurring reminders (e.g., every X days/weeks/months)recurrence interval.dateTimeOfReminder: String
- The exact date and time when the reminder should be triggered. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
- The timestamp when the reminder was last sent.trigger.
afterRelativeDate: Boolean
- Whether the reminder is triggered after based on a relative date field.relativeDateInterval: Int
- The interval (in days) after the for relative date-based reminders.relativeDateFieldId: String
- The field ID that defines the for relative date for -based reminders.sentDateTime: String
- The timestamp when the reminder was last sent.ownerAccountId: String!
- The account ID of the user who created the reminder.
Input type for saving or updating a reminder.
id: String
- The unique identifier of the reminder.issueId: String!
- The issue ID related to the reminder.private: Boolean
- Whether the reminder is private.subject: String!
- The title/subject of the reminder.message: String
- The message content.recipientUsers: [String!]
- The users who will receive the reminder.recipientGroups: [String!]
- The groups that will receive the reminder.recipientChannels: [String!]
- The Slack/MS Teams channels that will receive the reminder.recipientGoogleChats: [String!]
- The Google Chat spaces that will receive the reminder.cancelWhenResolved: Boolean
- Whether the reminder should be canceled when the issue is resolved.autoDelete: Boolean
- Whether the reminder should be automatically deleted after being sent.addIssueComment: Boolean
- Whether a comment should be added when the reminder is sent.period: String
- The recurrence period.interval: Int
- The recurrence interval.dateTimeOfReminder: String
- The exact date and time when the reminder should trigger.afterRelativeDate: Boolean
- Whether the reminder is based on a relative date.relativeDateInterval: Int
- The interval for relative date-based reminders.relativeDateFieldId: String
- The field ID for relative date-based reminders.